Medic Interview: Samantha Brawley.

Medic Interview: Samantha Brawley

December 3, 2020

We love our medical staff! To celebrate our flight nurses and medics and all the amazing work they do; we’re sitting them down for a question-and-answer session. For this week’s paramedic Q&A, meet Samantha Brawley!

CSI Aviation: Why did you become a flight paramedic and how is it different from working on the ground?

Samantha Brawley: I became a flight paramedic to challenge myself and to expand my knowledge as a medical provider. I love getting to use skills that I didn’t on the ambulance and in the ER.

CSI: What have you gained from working at CSI?

SB: I’ve gained a lot of experience in my 15 months at CSI and I have a wonderful new work family that I respect and admire.

CSI: What do you find most rewarding and/or most challenging in your role as a flight paramedic?

SB: The most rewarding thing is getting to see the medicine work for the patients; every day is different and an exciting new learning experience!

CSI: What’s your favorite medical flight story?

SB: My first flight was on my birthday, I was super excited and nervous! But, with the help of my wonderful co-workers I learned so much and it was a great day!

CSI: What do you wish people knew about your job?

SB: I want people to know that this is an extremely gratifying and challenging job. I have had so much fun expanding my knowledge in my field and getting to do things I’ve never done before!

CSI: Any fun facts you want to share?

SB: I enjoy taking photos while flying (without a patient) and sharing them with family and friends on Instagram.

CSI Aviation, Inc.:
3700 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Suite 1
Albuquerque, NM 87107

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CSI Aviation, Inc. is a FAR Part 135 Air Carrier (Certificate# GRTA447E). Charter Flights will be operated by CSI or other FAR Part 135 and 121 Certified Air Carriers providing air charter services arranged by CSI that meet FAA and CSI standards.
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